Rally for the Truth

Rally for the Truth
Dean Blanchard, Karen Hopkins & Stephen Baldwin

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'm growing older and more tired by the day. At times, I feel well and at other times, I feel ill. I've come to realize that the more time I spend outdoors, the more ill I become. I can't eat the seafood that I once loved and I can't go out fishing because I don't believe in killing something I won't eat. What has my world become? What has become of my culture and my only love in life, other than God and my family? What have any of us done to deserve this? We have been negligent. We have been subservient. We have allowed traitors, criminals and narcissists to rule our country and our world for far too long. When will it be ENOUGH? When will we come together, as God's children, as the people who MUST survive on this planet? WHEN WILL WE JOIN OUR VOICES IN A CHANT OF "NO MORE! NO MORE! NO MORE!"? This is our world. This is our only legacy to future generations. THE TIME IS NOW! Karen

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